What is a Childminder?Back to Top
A childminder is a person who singlehandedly minds children in
his/her own
What is a HSE notified Childminding Service?Back to Top
The HSE describe a 'childminding' service in the Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No 2) Regulations 2006 as a preschool service, which may include an overnight service, offered by a person who single-handedly takes care of pre-school children, including the childminder's own children, in the childminder's home for a total of more than 2 hours per day, expect where the exemptions provided in Section 58 of the Child Care Act 1991 apply.
What is a HSE notified Childminder?Back to Top
A HSE notified childminder is a childminder who is required to notify the HSE of their childminding service.
How many children can a Childminder take care of?Back to Top
A childminder (a person who provides a childminding service) should
after not more than 5 pre-school children including his/her own pre-school
No more than two children should be less than 15 months. Exceptions can be made if
children under 15 months are the result of multiple births e.g. triplets or if the
under 15 months are siblings.
What you might ask a potential childminderBack to Top
Many parents like the personal care offered by a childminder,
whether in
their home with a handful of other children, or minded in your own house.
Childminders can and do get ill, which means you could get a phone call some morning
you that they are not well. If a childminder comes to your home, most will happily
care for a
sick child as part of their job, which means no interruption to your work schedule.
The guidelines for hiring a childminder are the same whether you plan to drop off
your child
in their house or expect them to come to your home.
View the Childminders homeBack to Top
You want to find a friendly, organised, trustworthy individual that your child will feel content and secure with. Parents move on from childminders all the time (changing job, starting maternity leave, child starting school, etc), which means there's often an experienced childminder out there looking for a new job and at MindMe.ie you're sure to find the right one.
Make a shortlist of local minders and arrange to meet them.Back to Top
If a childminder will be looking after your child in their home,
ask to
visit when they are minding children. This will give you a good sense of how they
with the kids and whether the other children seem happy and relaxed. Also look at
hygiene and security. Finding the right childminder is key to your child's wellbeing
so don't
be shy about asking questions. Ask about qualifications, such as first aid and
studies, or they Tusla registered and what motivated them to become a childminder.
Childminders can and do get ill, which means you could get a phone call some morning
you that they are not well. If a childminder comes to your home, most will happily
care for a
sick child as part of their job, which means no interruption to your work schedule.
A good childminder will have a routine that encompasses lots of varied activities.
Find out
what a typical day is. Establish how they manage holidays. Before hiring a
childminder, watch
how they interact with your child. If you're happy then follow up on references and
Essential questionsBack to Top
Are you registered?
Can I see the playroom; sleep room and outdoor play space?
Are you fully insured to mind children, both in the home and on outings?
What would you do in an emergency involving yourself or one of the children?
Are you Garda vetted? (It's free and a legal requirement for those minding four or
We hope you find the Childminder you are looking for right here on MindMe.ieBack to Top